Thursday, February 18, 2010

LIFE ...(not written by me.)

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain. Any day I’m vertical, it’s a good day I say and I give thanks. If you ask me how are you, I’ll answer, GREAT! because saying so – I make it so, and I give thanks. When life gives me dark clouds and rain, I appreciate the moisture that brings a freshness to my being and beats against my face with gladness. When life gives me sunshine, I gratefully receive it and turn my face up towards the sun to appreciate the heat delivered upon me (I could be in the coldest part of the world). When life brings fog, I give thanks for the beauty of the unseen, and once lifted, I can truly see a part of me, where once I was held in a shadow. When life brings snow, I run outside to catch my first snowflake gracing upon my face, and sending cold shivers up and down my spine, and I give thanks. Like the weather, they come and go no matter what is my preference. For indeed there is a time for every purpose under the heaven, and every season brings its own unique blessings of beauty, and I give thanks for all. Giving thanks for life, our families, trials and tribulations is only a small part that everyone must endure. How we proceed to fulfill our thankfulness is also the way in which we choose to live. Live cautiously, live in giving and not in wanting, and live in love, as that is the most precious gift of all, and I give thanks.

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